Publications from members

On this page you can find a list of the most relevant publications from the members of the team (before 2018)

Sur ce site vous pouvez trouver une liste des publications pertinentes des membres de l’équipe de recherche de ce projet (avant 2018)

Serge Abiteboul et Gilles Dowek, “Le temps des algorithmes”, Le Pommier, 2017.

Nicola Angius and Giuseppe Primiero, “The Logic of Identity and Copy for Computational Artefacts,” Submitted.

Rabia Arif, Elisabetta Mori, Giuseppe Primiero, Validity and Correctness before the OS, in L. De Mol, G.Primiero, Reflections on programming Systems — Historical and Philosophical Aspects, Philosophical Studies Series, Springer (forthcoming).

Fabio Alessi and Felice Cardone, 2016, “Tiered Objects”, Fundamenta Informatica, vol. 149, nr. 3, pp. 263–295.

Selmer Bringsjord, “A Vindication of Program Verification”,  History and Philosophy of Logic. vol. 36, nr. 3, pp. 262-277. A preprint is available at:

Maarten Bullynck, 2015, “Computing a list of primes (1929-1949)”, Transformations in the early days of  digital computing, IEEE Annals for the history of computing, 37 (3), pp. 44-55.

Maarten Bullynck, 2015, “Programming primes (1968–1976). A paradigmatic example and its incarnations in the age of structured programming”, in: History and Philosophy of Logic, 36(3), pp. 229-241.

Maarten Bullynck, 2016, “Histories of Algorithms : Past, Present, Future. Essay Review : Chabert (ed.) Histoire d’algorithmes Du caillou à la puce (2010)”, in: Historia Mathematica, 43(3), pp. 332–341.

Felice Cardone, 2015, “Computers and the Mechanics of Communication – Outline of a Vision from the Work of Petri and Holt”, in: Arnold Beckmann, Victor Mitrana and Mariya Ivanova Soskova (eds.), Evolving Computability – 11th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2015, Bucharest, Romania, June 29 – July 3, 2015. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 9136, pp. 3–12.

Felice Cardone and J. Roger Hindley, 2009, “Lambda-Calculus and Combinators in the 20th Century”, in: Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, Logic from Russell to Church, Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 5, Elsevier, pp. 723–817.

Edgar G. Daylight. “Towards a Historical Notion of ‘Turing — the Father of Computer Science'”. History and Philosophy of Logic, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2015.

Edgar G. Daylight, Turing Tales, Lonely Scholar, December 2016.

Edgar G. Daylight. The Dawn of Software Engineering: from Turing to Dijkstra, Lonely Scholar, April 2012.

Liesbeth De Mol and Marie-José Durand-Richard, (to appear) 2017, “Calculating Machines and Numerical Tables: a Reciprocal History”, in Tournès, Dominique (ed.), History of Numerical Tables, Springer. HAL :

Liesbeth De Mol, Martin Carlé et Maarten Bullynck, Haskell before Haskell. An alternative lesson in practical logics of the ENIAC, Journal for Logic and Computation, 25 (4), 2014, pp. 1011-1046

Liesbeth De Mol and Giuseppe Primiero, When logic meets engineering: introduction to logical issues in the history and philosophy of computer science, History and Philosophy of Logic, 2015, vol. 36, nr. 3, pp. 195–204.

Liesbeth De Mol, Comment parler avec un ordinateur? Essai sur la calculabilité et les conversations homme-ordinateur, G. Chazal (ed.), Le numérique en débat, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2017, pp. 111-123.

Gerardo Con Diaz, “The Text in the Machine: American Copyright Law and the Many Natures of Computer Programs, 1974-1978,” Technology & Culture 57:4 (October 2016): 753-779. Winner of the Society for the History of Technology’s Levinson Prize
Gerardo Con Diaz, “Contested Ontologies of Software: The Story of Gottschalk v. Benson, 1963-1972,” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 38:1 (January-March 2016): 23-33. Winner of the Society for the History of Technology’s Finn Prize
Gerardo Con Diaz, Software Patents in America, under contract with Yale University Press.

Gilles Dowek, “Vivre, aimer, voter en ligne, et autres chroniques numériques”, Le Pommier, 2017.

Gilles Dowek, “Les métamorphoses du calcul : une étonnante histoire de mathématiques”, Le Pommier, 2007.

Kevin Driscoll and Camille Paloque-Berges, 2017, “Searching for Missing ‘net histories’”, Internet histories, 1/1-2, 2017, pp. 47-59.

Marie-José Durand-Richard (to appear) 2017, “Douglas R. Hartree (1897-1958) : de l’analyseur différentiel à l’ordinateur”, in Revue de Synthèse, special issue on mathematics and machines prepared by Maarten Bullynck, Liesbeth De Mol, Marie-José Durand-Richard.

Marie-José Durand-Richard, 2014, “Du message chiffré au système cryptographique”, in (eds.) Durand-Richard, Marie-José, & Guillot, Philippe, 2014, Cryptographie et mathématiques: une mutation des enjeux. Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 107-151.

Marie-José Durand-Richard and Amirouche Moktefi, 2014, “Algèbre et logique symboliques: arbitraire du signe et langage formel”, in J.-Y. Béziau (ed.), La Pointure du Symbole, Paris: Pétra, 295-328.

Marie-José Durand-Richard, “Historiographie du calcul digital et du calcul graphique 18ème-20ème siècles: le cas de l’Angleterre”, in (ed.) Artigue, Michèkle et Husson (eds.), Actes de la 13ème journée d’étude, Tables, Tableaux, Graphiques, 2013, Paris, Université Paris-Diderot.

Marie-José Durand-Richard, “Le regard français de Charles Babbage (1791-1871) sur le déclin de la science en Angleterre”, Documents pour l’histoire des techniques, numéro thématique sur “Les techniques et la technologie entre la France et l’Angleterre XVIIe-XIXe siècles“, P. Bret et I. Gouzévitch et L. Perez (eds.), n° 19, 2ème sem. 2011, pp. 287-304.

Marie-José Durand-Richard, “Babbage et Boole: les lois du calcul symbolique, Des lois de la pensée aux constructivismex”, Marie-José Durand-Richard (ed.), Revue de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, 2004/2, n° 39, pp. 23-53,

Marie-José Durand-Richard, 1992, “Charles Babbage (1791-1871): de l’Ecole algébrique anglaise à la `machine analytique'”, Mathématiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 30° année, n° 118, 5-31 ; et n° 120, 79-82, 1992.

Luciano Floridi, Nir Fresco and Guseppe Primiero, “On malfunctioning software.” Synthese, 192 (4). 2015, pp. 1199-1220.

Tom Haigh, Mark Priestley and Crispin Rope, 2016, ENIAC in Action: Making and Remaking the Modern Computer, MIT Press.

Jean-Baptiste Joinet Sur le temps logique Logique, Dynamique et Cognition (dir. J-B. Joinet), p. 31-49 Collection Logique, langage, sciences, philosophie Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2007

Jean-Baptiste Joinet & S. Tronçon (dir.) Ouvrir la logique au monde. Philosophie et mathématique de l’interaction. Actes de l’Ecole interdisciplinaire « Logique, Sciences, Philosophie », Cerisy-la-Salle, 19-26 septembre 2006, organisé par le CNRS et LIGC (349 pages). Visions des sciences Hermann, Paris, 2009

Jean-Baptiste Joinet, Proofs, Reasoning and the Metamorphosis of Logic, Advances in Natural Deduction – a celebration of Prawitz’s work, E. Hermann, L. C. Pereira and V. de Paiva (eds.), Coll. Trends in Logic, volume 39, p.51-61 Springer 2014

Cliff B. Jones, “The early search for tractable ways of reasoning about programs”, in: IEEE Annals for the History of Computing, vol. 25, nr. 2, 2003, pp. 26–49.

Cliff B. Jones and Troy K. Astarte. An Exegesis of Four Formal Descriptions of ALGOL 60. Technical Report CS-TR-1498, Newcastle University School of Computer Science, September 2016.

Cliff B. Jones and Troy K. Astarte, Challenges for semantic description: comparing responses from the main approaches, Technical Report, CS-TR-1516, November 2017, Newcastle University.

Paolo Maffezioli and Alberto Naibo, 2014, “Proof theory of epistemic logic of programs”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, vol. 23, n. 3, pp. 301–328.

Simone Martini, “Types in Programming Languages, between Modelling, Abstraction, and Correctness”, CiE 2016: Pursuit of the Universal, LNCS 9709, 164–169, 2016.

Simone Martini, “Several types of types in programming languages”, History and Philosophy of Computing, HAPOC 2015, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 487, 216-227, Springer 2016.

Baptiste Mélès, “Unix selon l’ordre des raisons : la philosophie de la pratique informatique” Philosophia Scientiæ, 17/3, 2013, pp. 181-198.

Baptiste Mélès, 2016, “Abacus as a Programming Language : Computer Science and History of Mathematics”, Shier Ju, Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller and Yun Xie (eds.), Cultures of Mathematics and Logic. Selected Papers from the Conference in Guangzhou, China, November 9-12, 2012, Birkhäuser, pp. 43-59.

Baptiste Mélès, 2016, “Approche philologique des langages de programmation”, Technique et science informatiques, n°35/2, 2016, pp. 237-254.

Dale Miller, Proof checking and logic programming, Formal Aspects of Computing, May 2017, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp 383-399. (doi). Version on HAL.

Dale Miller, “Mechanized metatheory revisited”, Draft dated 18 October 2017. Submitted.

Amirouche Moktefi, 2017, “Fictional technologies”, in D. Kuznetsov et al. (eds.), Contours of the Future: Technology and Innovation in Cultural Context, Saint Petersburg: Asterion, 376-379.

Elisabetta Mori, “Computers and Programmed Arts in the Sixties in Italy”
in Preliminary proceedings of the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of computing (HaPoC 2015), Pisa University Press, Pisa 2015

Elisabetta Mori, “La serie ELEA: Olivetti e il design dei primi computer italiani”
in Storia dell’impresa e storia del design. Prove di dialogo, Archetipolibri, Bologna 2014

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, “Logic, Formal Linguistics and Computing in France: From non-reception to progressive convergence”, in Fabio Gadducci & Mirko Tavosanis (dir.), History and Philosophy of Computing, revised selected papers (HaPoC3, Pise, Italie, 6-11 octobre 2015), Springer, 2016, p. 24-41,

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn Pierre et Maël Pégny, “AFCAL and the Emergence of Computer Science in France: 1957-1967”, in Arnold Beckmann, Laurent Bienvenu, Nataša Jonoska (dir.), Pursuit of the Universal. 12th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2016, New York, Springer, p. 170-181.

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, “Algol in France: From Universal Project to Embedded Culture”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 2014, vol. 36, n° 4, p. 6-25,

Alberto Naibo, Mattia Petrolo and Thomas Seiller, 2016, “On the computational meaning of axioms” In O. Pombo, A. Nepomuceno, J. Redmond (eds) Epistemology, Knowledge and the Impact of Interaction, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Vol. 38, pp. 141–184. Berlin: Springer, 2016.

Alberto Naibo, Mattia Petrolo and Thomas Seiller, 2016, “Verificationism and classical realizability”, In Ç. Baskent (dir.), Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry, Logic, Argumentation and Reasoning, Vol. 8, pp. 163–197. Berlin: Springer, 2016.

D. Phan and Franck Varenne, 2010, “Agent-Based Models and Simulations in Economics and Social Sciences: from conceptual exploration to distinct ways of experimenting”, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 13(1), 5, 2010. Accès libre:

Camille Paloque-Berges, 2016, “Les sources nativement numériques pour les sciences humaines et sociales”, Histoire@Politique, n°30, 2016.

Maël Pégny, “Les deux thèses de Church et l’épistémologie du calcul”, Philosophia Scientiae, Cahier Turing, 16(3), 2012, pp.39-67.

Maël, Pégny, “Computational Complexity: An Empirical View”, Proceedings of the 2013 AISB Convention (6 pages en format ECAI), 2013.

Maël Pégny, “How to Compare Models Meaningfully: the Church-Turing Thesis Over the Reals”, Minds and Machines, 26 (4), 2016, 359-388.

Tomas Petricek. “Against a universal definition of ‘Type’.” In 2015 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software (Onward!), pp. 254-266. ACM, 2015. Pre-print:

Tomas Petricek. “Miscomputation in software: Learning to live with errors”. In The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Article 14, AOSA, 2017. Open access:

Tomas Petricek. “What can Programming Language Research Learn from the Philosophy of Science.” In Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Convention of the AISB. 2014. Pre-print:

Mark Priestley, 2011, A Science of Operations, Springer.

Mark Priestley, 2017, “AI and the Origins of the Functional Programming Language Style”, Minds and Machines 27(3), 449-472.

Giuseppe Primiero, “Information in the Philosophy of Computer Science” Chapter, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information, 2016

Shahid Rahman and  N. Clerbout, Linking Games and Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, CTT­ Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice. Springer­Briefs, 2015.

Shahid Rahman, Armonía Dialógica. Tonk, Teoría Constructiva de Tipos y Reglas para Jugadores, 2016.

Shahid Rahman, R. Jovanovic, N. Clerbout (2016), Knowledge and its Game Theoretical Foundations: The challenge of the Dialogical Approach to Constructive Type Theory, in: Epistemology, Knowledge and the Impact of Interaction, J. Redmond, O. Pombo, Á. Nepomuceno (eds), Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 23­73, 2016.

Julian Rohrhuber, Algorithms in Anthropology, in: G. Grupe (ed.), Virtual Gamelan Graz: Rules — Grammars – Modeling, Shaker Verlag, 2008,109-130.

Julian Rohrhuber and Alberto de Campo,  “Just In Time Programming”, in Collins, Nick and Wilson, Scott and Cottle, David} (eds.),  The SuperCollider Book, MIT Press, 2011.

Julian Rohrhuber, Intractable Mobiles. Patents and Algorithms Between Discovery and Invention, in: Akteur-Medien-Theorie, T. Thielmann, E. Schüttpelz (eds), transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2013.

Julian Rohrhuber (in print), Algorithmic Music and the Philosophy of Time, in: McLean (ed.), Oxford handbook on algorithmic music, in print.

Matti Tedre, The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2014, 288pp.

Ray Turner, forthcoming, The Philosophy of Computer Science, Ser. Theory and Applications of Computability, Springer.

Ray Turner (with Nicola Angius), Philosophy of computer science, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP).

Ray Turner, Programming languages as technical artefacts, Philosophy and Technology, vol. 27, nr. 3, 2014, pp. 377-397.

G. Ulysse G and Dale Miller, 2017, Separating Functional Computation from Relations, CSL2017, page 23:1-23:17, DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2017.23, Draft dated 20 June 2017.

Franck Varenne, 2001, “What does a computer simulation prove?”, Simulation in industry – ESS 2001, Proc. of the 13th European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, October 18-20th, 2001, ed. by N. Giambiasi and C. Frydman, SCS Europe Bvba, Ghent, pp. 549-554.

Franck Varenne, 2007, “Du modèle à la simulation informatique”, Vrin.

Franck Varene, 2009, “Qu’est-ce que l’informatique?”, Paris, Vrin.

Franck Varenne, 2010, “Framework for M&S with Agents in regard to Agent Simulations in Social Sciences: Emulation and Simulation”, in Alexandre MUZY, David R. C. HILL & Bernard P. ZEIGLER (dir.), Activity-Based Modeling and Simulation, Clermont-Ferrand, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2010, pp. 53-84.

A. Muzy, F. Varenne, B.P. Zeigler, J. Caux, P. Coquillard, L. Touraille, D. Prunetti, P. Caillou, O. Michel, D.R.C. Hill, 2013, “Refounding of the Activity Concept? Towards a Federative Paradigm for Modeling and Simulation”, Simulation: transactions of the society of modeling and simulation international, Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS), February 2013, 89 (2), pp. 156-177.

Franck Varenne, 2013, “Chains of Reference in Computer Simulations”, working paper selected and published by the FMSH, FMSH-WP-2013-51, GeWoP-4, 2013, 32 pages. On line: Chains of Reference Varenne.

Franck Varenne, P. Chaigneau, J. Petitot, R. Doursat, 2015, “Programming the Emergence in Morphogenetically Architected Systems”, Acta Biotheoretica, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 295-308.