Spring workshop I: Machines

La version francaise est disponible ici.

We are happy to announce that the next PROGRAMme event will be held from June 5-7 2019 at the MESHS, 2 Rue des Canonniers, 59000 Lille, espace Baïetto and Salle 2. 

In order to register, please send a mail with your affiliation to: liesbeth.demol@univ-lille3.fr before May 20 2019. Registration is free but required in order to attend.

On June 5 we will have the last session of the academic year of the Lille-Paris séminaire HEPIC (Histoire et Philosophie de l’inofrmatique et du calcul) around the topic: Computing – a human activity? Speakers are: David Aubin, Stephen Kell and Christiane Floyd. See here for more details.

From June 6-7 the Spring workshop 2019 of the PROGRAMme project is organized. It is the second in a series of four workshops. Each focuses on one of the project’s main clusters in connection to the other three (see here for more information about the clusters). The second workshop will focus on the cluster Machines and so offers reflections on a set of  historical, philosophical and epistemological question on Computing Machines, broadly interpreted, and this in relation to the other three clusters (Logic; Programming languages and notations; Systems). Some questions to be raised during the workshop are:

  •  What is a machine without a program? Does it exist? More generally, are there physical processes which cannot be captured by a “program”?
  • What is the role or the significance of unbounded non-determinism for a theory of computer programs? Is it possible to construct a real machine with unbounded determinsm? Is it still a computing machine?
  • How much are computer programs and their problems determined by the specifics of the machine on which they are set-up?  How strong is the reciprocity between programs and physical machinery and what is its historical development?
  • What is the role of certain physical aspect of the machine (such as its temporality) for the development of computer programs, their abstractions and interactions?
  • What is the role of abstract machine models? Do they result in fundamentally different notions of programs?
  • What is the role of the human in relation to the computing machine? Do we need to talke into account the human in the machine? Is she part of the computing machine while using it/programming it?
  • etc


HEPIC séminaire session: Computing – a human activity?

June 5, 2019, Salle 2

13h-14h15: David Aubin (Université de Paris 6), Astronomical tables as work, 16th-18th centuries
14h15-14h30: Pause
14h30-15h45: Stephen Kell (University of Kent), Software against humanity? An Illichian perspective on the industrial era of software
15h45-16h15: Pause de café
16h15-17h30: Christiane Floyd (Technical University of Vienna), The move to activity-centered views of software development

PROGRAMme spring workshop on Machines

June 6, Espace Baïetto

9h30-10h30 Ray Turner, Computational abstraction
Respondant: Simone Martini
10h30-11h30 Cliff Jones, Abstractions of machines
Respondant: Ray Turner

11h30-11h45: short break

11h45-12h45: Edgar Daylight and Felice Cardone, Unbounded nondeterminism: an introduction for the philosopher of Computing
Respondant: Alberto Naibo

12h45-14h: Lunch

14h00-15h00: Mate Szabo, Licensing, designing and reverse engineering computers in Hungary from the 1950s to the 1970s
Respondant: Troy Astarte
15h00-16h00: Elisabetta Mori, “How to Avoid Them”: Validity and Correctness in LEO III.
Respondant: Franck Varenne

16h00-16.30h: Coffee break

16h30-17h30:Maarten Bullynck, Computers as Boolean machines. Between operational clarity and physical reality
Respondant: Amirouche Moktefi
17h30-18h30: Giuseppe Longo, The confusion between the artificial and the natural
Respondent: Felice Cardone

June 7:

10-11h: Gilles Dowek, How does the physical Church-Turing thesis changed the notion of “machine”?
Respondant: Maël Pégny
11-12h: Franck Varenne, About the persistence and varieties of ‘materiality arguments’ around the machine: from the programs verification’s debate to the debate about the computer simulations’ empiricity
Respondant: Nick Wiggershaus

12h-13h30: Lunch

13h30-14h30: Amirouche Moktefi, “Early logic machines and the problem of elimination
Respondant: Marie-José Durand-Richard
14h30-15h30: Selmer Bringsjord, Must Machines be Mechanical? If So, Can They Be “Naked”
Respondant: Gilles Dowek

15h30-16h: Coffee break

16h00-17h00: Maël Pégny, Classifying Computing Instruments: An Historical and Philosophical Problem
Respondant: Maarten Bullynck
17h00-18h00: Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, The first French computers
Respondant: Elisabetta Mori